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Child Protection & Safeguarding Final Report Thank you, to our wonderful children, parents and staff, whose confidence in  talking to the inspectors and whose knowledge of the Stay Safe Programme helped us to achieve such a fabulous final inspection report. Please have a read of the attached document! [Open Document]
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5th Class Trip to Martry Mill

8th May 2024

We had such a great trip to Martry Mill in Co. Meath. This trip is part of our Heritage Keepers Project.
James Tallon, our guide and 5th generation miller, gave us a great welcome and our day began. We collected milled flour and baked loaves of bread first. While our loaves were baking we had a cup of tea and sampled some of his brown bread.
James then told us all about the history of the Mill. We had a really interesting tour of the flour Mill and we discover how it worked. We loved going outside to the river to watch the waterwheel working. 
Our bread was ready and the best two loaves won bags of flour as prizes.
We finished off our day with a picnic outside beside the Mill.

Many thanks to Heritage Keepers Burrenbeo for part funding our trip.