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Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

News - Physical Activity

2023/2024 School Year

21st Jun 2024
Our Annual Rounders match was a great way to finish off Break the Rules Day today!...
17th Jun 2024
5th Class had a great day in Round Towers for our Sports Day! Many thanks to Seán...
12th Jun 2024
We had lots of fun today for sports day. 
19th May 2024
We had a great day at the Round Towers GAA football blitz. We were picked up by a...
17th May 2024
Thanks to the Parent Council for a great Summer Disco! 
15th May 2024
Photos from the April and May cross country meets. The teams from 3rd, 4th, 5th and...
15th Mar 2024
Bhí cheoilchoirm againn sa halla. Bhí ranganna ag damhsa agus ag canadh....
14th Mar 2024
On Thursday, 29th February, we had a skipping day to celebrate leap day.All of the...
4th Mar 2024
We love being active on yard. We especially love our exciting and fun football matches. 
4th Mar 2024
Our Active School Committee members get all the classes moving every Wednesday with...