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Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

News - Homepage

2023/2024 School Year

10th Jan 2024
We used the Quivervision app to transform our 2024 colouring sheets into amazing...
22nd Dec 2023
We had a lovely last day treat in our pyjamas. Happy Christmas 🎄 
21st Dec 2023
The two 1st classes had so much fun learning all the Christmas songs. The concert...
20th Dec 2023
We have reached an amazing 3000 dojo points!!As a treat, our teacher made us hot...
20th Dec 2023
We do an Active Break every Wednesday, led by our Active Schools Committee Playground...
16th Dec 2023
We loved performing our show this week for all of our peers and our families! We...
8th Dec 2023
Last certificates of the term! Watch this space after Christmas! 
8th Dec 2023
Our class work, activities and fun days in school ☺️ 
7th Dec 2023
We have been practicing activities which will help develop our fine motor skills....