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Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

News - Senior Infants Ms Whelan

2023/2024 School Year

22nd Mar 2024
We created beautiful easter eggs using clay. The children rolled and shaped their...
22nd Mar 2024
The children have been exploring the theme of the post office across the curriculum...
22nd Mar 2024
Everyone enjoyed our recent trip to Newlands Garden Centre, where we planted beautiful...
15th Mar 2024
Bhí cheoilchoirm againn sa halla. Bhí ranganna ag damhsa agus ag canadh....
14th Mar 2024
On Thursday, 29th February, we had a skipping day to celebrate leap day.All of the...
14th Mar 2024
Recently, the children earned a class reward where they chose to bring in toys from...
14th Mar 2024
As part of learning about 3D shapes, including the cube, sphere, cuboid and cylinder,...
14th Mar 2024
The boys and girls in Senior Infants Room 3 enjoyed some lovely choices of toppings...
1st Feb 2024
Rooms 1, 2 and 3 went for a walk to St. Brigid's Well, kindly helped by 5th and 6th...
20th Dec 2023
We do an Active Break every Wednesday, led by our Active Schools Committee Playground...