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Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

News - 1st Class Room 4 Ms O'Doherty

2023/2024 School Year

21st Nov 2023
In October we reached 1 thousand Dojo points for working so hard and showing kindness...
21st Nov 2023
At the beginning of the year, we talked about all being part of 1st Class Room 4.We...
21st Nov 2023
We celebrated International Dot Day in 1st Class. We talked about creativity, and...
21st Nov 2023
We are having fun doing different investigations in Science.We enjoyed exploring...
21st Nov 2023
In October, we learned all about the signs of Autumn. We talked about the changes...
21st Nov 2023
1st Class Room 4 took part in a wellbeing workshop online. We listened to the story...

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
Third class got very imaginative when it came to creating a piece of art celebrating...
27th Jun 2023
We celebrated the boys time at Scoil Aine with the Graduation Ceremony followed by...
22nd Jun 2023
We paired up with 5th class to do some reading. We each chose a book and read...
22nd Jun 2023
The two first classes went to Dublin Zoo for our school tour. We had a fantastic...