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Scoil Naomh Áine, Dublin 22

STEPS Young Engineers Awards 2022

14th Jun 2022

Congratulations to the girls from 3rd class who took part in the STEPS Young Engineers Awards competition this year. This competition encourages students from 3rd and 4th classes to explore the world of engineering by developing an engineering project that would help improve their local community. The girls worked in groups to create 5 brilliant engineering projects with the main focus being to identify a problem in the community and come up with a solution that would make both our local and the wider community a better place to live. All 5 projects had a central theme of protecting our environment. The teams created an annotated drawing and used materials from recycling bins to build a prototype based on their design ideas. All 5 engineering teams then had to present their projects via zoom to an engineering judge last December. 2 of the projects were selected from nearly 500 entries nationwide over 3 judging rounds by the STEPS panel of engineer judges and reached the finals of the competition. This was an amazing achievement as only 6 projects reached the finals of this nationwide competition. The STEPS Young Engineers Online Awards Ceremony took place on the 25th of May and the girls from 3rd class did Scoil Áine proud with their innovative designs and amazing video presentations. We are delighted to announce that the engineering team ‘The Plant Protectors’ were awarded ‘Highly Commended’ for their project ‘Empower your Flowers’ and the ‘The Recyclables’ engineering team achieved the accolade of ‘Runners-Up’ for their project ‘The Recycling Future Now’. Congratulations to Robertson National School in Co. Donegal who were the winners of the competition and well done to the girls from 3rd class on their remarkable achievement of coming 2nd and joint 3rd nationwide.